
As was fortold by the prophets, so He was born into our world, and our magic was sundered by the One God.

And so began the Lie that would infect all Mankind and drive from us our true freedom and strength. The Others offer more power than a mere dream could ever have. With greater power comes the ability to choose your own future. If the One God gave us choice, then we must have the power to make that choice, something He so definitely denies us.

There are too few of us to do what is necessary now, the power and strength of our ancestors is gone the way of all things, and the choices that lay before us grow fewer and fewer, the paths of our futures vanishing into the forests of what wasn't done, or wasn't said. Lost now forever to those of us who wait.

They say that there will come a time when all the power is gone, when Man can do no more than scratch for morsels of wisdom in the memories of their forebears, like a Scarabae fighting over mundane flesh, grabbing for power that is beyond their grasp, and their ability to use.

We are above that, standing apart from the mundane world, watching and waiting, laughing at the folly of those that live their pointless lives in an ever dying world. Too many of us let it all die, refuse to grasp what we could have if we only tried. They say the price is too high, the risks too great. They say we cannot afford to risk all that we have, in order to grasp at all that we could be. They are wrong, and they know they are wrong, but they are too cowardly, too frightened, too incapable to do anything but wait, and pass down the old teachings as if they were the only thing that mattered. But none of it mattered. We were given him so that we could use him. Once bargains have been made, once the power and strength to do as we please is ours, then we can release Him, and none of it will matter. They will run fleeing into the dark places of their kingdoms, and the Others will fall behind us in such numbers that even the One God will tremble at our coming.

Those of us who have been Chosen have been given the responsibility to act when we see fit. They say that we must wait until the end of magic before He can be brought into the world again, when his knowledge and strength can be harnassed to renew what is gone. I see that time as now. The One God showed that, when his brat was born. So good, so noble, so corrupted and blinded to his own infallibility that just looking on him I could see what others could not. He did nothing that I could not have done, though his very presence sickened and disgusted me such that I could hardly stand while he was there. Even then, as a child, I knew him for what he was. An imposter, spreading the Lie that he wants everyone to believe.

And yet the Keepers do nothing. They hide and scurry around underfoot as if they are afraid of what they are, of what they could become. I showed them what we could be, showed them the power of the blood which even the thrice-cursed Scarabae understand. We can take what is ours by calling on the servants of the dark. For that is all they are. They have no choice in this matter, only we have choice, and we can choose to make them our servants. We can enslave them, and through them everything north of the ring of fire. And even then, we should not stop.

I say that we should act soon, before he is moved again. I have already shown you how we can achieve what I said, and what you asked for I can promise. It is the only way.
