Peter the Bard

Male, 34; Ungifted Redcap working in Stonehenge.

Int Per Str Sta Pre Com Dex Qik
+0 +1 +0 +2 +4 +3 +0 -1

Virtues and Flaws

Redcap, Well travelled.

Virtues: Venus' Blessing, Inspirational, Gossip, Luck, Puissant (Charm), Puissant (Etiquette)

Flaws: Lecherous (Sex) -3, Optimistic, Enemies (Blackthorn) -3


Languages: English 5; Welsh 3; French 5; Latin 5

Knowledges: England (Covenants) 4; Scotland (Covenants) 1; Normandy (Covenants) 1; Hermes Lore 2; Philosophae 1

Physical: Athletics 2; Awareness 2; Stealth 2; Survival 2; Hunt 1

Social: Charm (Women) 5; Folk ken (Women) 3; Guile (Husbands) 3; Music 4; Etiquette 3; Profession (Bard) 5; Intrigue 1

Combat: Brawl (when drunk) 2; Single weapon (defence) 2;


Peter has a number of items with invested effects.