
The type of colonies that will be present in the Deepnight campaign.


Feudal states, agricultural. Population in tens of millions. TL 1-2. No central authority.


Small agricultural settlements, population < 100,000. No central government. TL 2.

Pre-Industrial States

Agricultural society, probably balkanized states. Population in tens of millions. TL 2-3.

Industrial States

Early industrial society, probably balkanized states. Population in hundreds of millions. TL 4-5.

High Tech States

Late 20th century, TL 7-8. Probably balkanized, democratic or oligarchy. Low billions.

Small Colony

Small agricultural population, < 10,000. Probably a colony from the Imperium or similar empire. TL 4. Has scientific knowledge, probably Democratic or Oligarchy.

Religious Colony

As for a Small Colony, but religious in nature. Fled the Imperium due to their beliefs.


Non-human, hundreds of thousands. TL 0.

Bronze Age

Non-human, millions. TL 1.