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The Death of Ingrat

There is still no word from Ingrat, so Columbanus, Vladimir and Shale decide to try and track her down and find out what happened to her in Iberia. It is decided to go to the Tower of London, and see whether there is any news of her there.

Initially, none of the guards have heard of Ingrat, but on the mention of the name Melusine the Tower guards get interested. Vladimir's Parma Magica protects him from some magic, possibly attempted by the Tower guards. Eventually they are led into the Tower, or at least to the chapel within the walls.

There they meet a young woman, tall and beautiful with long dark hair. She is introduced as the princess Isabella, one of the sisters of Henry III and therefore the daughter of Ingrant/Melusine. From her it is learnt that they have mourned for their mother, for she was slain by the demon Tyritescus who now controls the city of Barcelona. She demands of the magi that they avenge her mother, since going off to strange cities to kill demons isn't something that a princess can be expected to do herself.

Before her mother was slain, she said that something was being hidden by the magi of Barcelona. It is probably the last elemental stone that is needed for the final ritual. The magi are unable to decide whether to go there themselves and try and retrieve it, or to simply inform the Tremere (and therefore probably the Demi-urge) where it is.

midnight/history/1233/3.1545586099.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/12/23 17:28 by sam