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Outrim Void Rumours

d66 Rumour
11 There have been strange creatures attacking villagers on the world of Clarke and feeding on the bodies of the frozen dead preserved in their black stone monoliths. The Psycopomp Priests that run the world are trying to cover things up.
12 It is rumoured that out of the Blacksand Widows of Theev has gone rogue, and there is a large bounty out on her head.
13 King Oleg of Drinax, who floats above his blasted and irradiated world in a floating palace, is trying to rebuild his kingdom, and has put out word for pirates and other freelancers to join his cause and bring stability to the Dust Belt under King Oleg's fist.
14 There is apparently a lot of interest being shown in the world of Tktk by the Imperial Scout Service, and talk of putting a exclusion zone around the world to protect Ancient artefacts.
15 There has been a murder of one of the humans on Tech World, which is highly unusual given the very low population. It's not known whether the murderer was one of the robots, or one of the other humans.
16 There has been a massacre of the crew of a ship leaving the Glorious Empire - the Aslan claimed that they were ferrying escaped slaves.
21 The train network at Paal was impressive in its day, but it's now falling apart. The nuclear powered trains run all around the world, but they are getting low on fuel and are seeking contracts with neighbouring worlds for decent supplies of uranium.
22 There are rumours of large numbers of Chirpers living on the world of Tktk, though whenever anyone goes to investigate they never seem to be around making it possible they're just the imaginations of the natives there.
23 There's been an outbreak of a virus amongst the giant agricultural robots on Lilgan, causing some of them to stop working write in the middle of the harvest. There's been an emergency rush to get in replacements and find the cause of the virus.
24 Cordan's nobility are organising a major celebration for the end of the year. There has been unrest amongst the servile population, so I think they reckon a world wide festival will distract people's minds away from the idea of rioting.
25 One of the tourist trips down to the black smokers of Pandora got to witness a major undersea volcanic eruption when one of the smokers split apart, taking much of the seabed with it. The tourist submersible was caught in a bubble of superheated water, but apparently nobody was hurt.
26 The research station on Exocet had to be temporarily abandoned when a super volcano erupted under the northern polar cap. It's hoped that they will be able to return in a few months when things have quietened down.
31 A war has started between the Vargr and another nation on the world of Umemii. The world is made up of multiple states, all fighting over limited resources. It's rumoured that one of the nations is developing nuclear weapons.
32 Some ships have been running a secret underground railroad for telepaths, taking them out of the Imperium and into the Outrim Void where the Imperium's ban on psionics isn't enforced. Nobody it quite certain exactly where they're going, but several rumours point to the world of Blue in Tlaiowaha sub-sector.
33 The world of Hilfer has come close to nuclear war, as the fractured governments fight over the limited water supplies on the world. Intervention from an Aslan trade delegation apparently averted war, though there's always the risk of further escalations.
34 A recent holovid showed conditions within The World, a crumbling space station where the majority of the inhabitants are unaware that there is a whole universe existing outside of their home. The holovid was smuggled out, but the journalist who took the footage hasn't been seen since.
35 A trade vessel was recently destroyed by the planetary defences of Pourne. The government claim that the vessel was trying to smuggle weapons of mass destruction down to the surface to help overthrow the government, though others claim that the someone manning their defence satellites had an itchy trigger finger.
36 There have been three accidents in the last month with ships trying to land on Argona. All three ships crashed into the ice whilst trying to land in blizzard conditions. The port has put out a warning that any ships landing their should double check their sensors are fully working before arrival.
traveller/goldenage/d66/rumours/outrim_void.1617542279.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/04 13:17 by sam