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D66 Rumours

This is a list of rumours which are possibly false, or at least a little inaccurate. The first digit denotes the type of rumour.

  1. Cargo events
  2. Crime events
  3. Fame events
  4. Starship events
  5. Cons or Deals
  6. Supernatural

If you want an indication of accuracy, 1-3=False or mostly False, 4-5=Inaccurate, 6=True.

d66 Rumour
11 One of the bulk trade ships that left recently managed to leave several cargo containers behind. The starport crew have hold of them, but haven't yet officially reported it. They might be willing to 'pass it on' for a cut of the price, though what's inside is anybodies guess.
12 A cargo container containing some live carnivores broke open, and several of them escaped. Most have been caught, but a few are still free in the starport and are considered dangerous. There's a reward for their capture, preferably alive but dead is also an option.
13 There is an investigation into the ground staff at the moment, since some are accused of secreting illegal goods into cargo containers of more mundane goods destined for off-world. Presumably someone at the other end knows what to look for.
14 Yellow paint marks on cargo containers means that ground staff have tampered with the contents, and that someone on the destination world will be on the look out for them, in order to remove some valuable goods. There are some big crime gangs involved in this, so even if you know you've been tampered with, it's best to leave the containers alone otherwise the gangs may seek compensation.
15 There was a mix-up last week in the port's computer systems, that scrambled some of the cargo container records. Several ships went out carrying the wrong cargo before anyone noticed. The starport authorities are claiming that the problem is now fixed and won't happen again.
16 Somebody has sold a large number of dodgy cargo containers to the port. If they get used for shipping cargo, then they're likely to break open during flight, especially under high g, or if depressurised.
21 There are a number of suspicious people in the bars around the starport who are asking questions about outgoing ships and crew and looking for passage. They are possible hijackersm, though there haven't been any recent instances of hijacking.
22 There have been several murders at the starport over the last few months, happening at intervals of 3-4 weeks. It's thought that the murderer may be a regular visitor to the port, possibly a crew or passenger on a ship.
23 A gang of petty thieves is operating around the spaceport, stealing credit chits, PDAs or anything else they can get their hands on.
24 Attractive young locals have been chatting up travellers, getting them drunk and taking them up to hotel rooms with the promise of sex. Instead, they've been drugging them and harvesting their organs.
25 Several locals have gone missing, it is said that they've been kidnapped by a skill jacking ring.
26 Pirates have been caught trying to smuggle EMP bombs into cargo being taken off world. When the bomb goes off, a pirate ship will swoop in and raid the disabled trader.
31 There is a band of famous singers stuck here after their ship broke down. They are trying to get passage off-world without being recognised. The exact hotel they are staying at isn't known, but a number of fans and reporters are camped out at all of them hoping to catch a view.
32 A famous rock band will be turning up in the next few weeks, for a private gig on some millionaire's estate/star yacht. There is cash to be made to be the first to break news on the details.
33 A very important businessman has rented out an entire floor of a local hotel. Journalists are trying to find out who they are, and what they're doing here.
34 A famous scientist is here to do a holovid series. They are looking to hire a crew to take them to the outer system to do some scenes on a comet.
35 In the coming weeks, there's going to be a round-the-system race with a weight limit of 10t, with a considerable prize for the winner. Several of the contenders are here already and pre-race parties are common nights as the pilots show off their racers, and prepare for several months of enforced isolation.
36 The Den of Depravity is a converted subsidized liner that travels the sector, hosting lavish, over the top parties at the systems it visits. Getting an invite to such a party is seen as a high priority by many. If you can't afford the high entrance fee, then other alternatives are winning one of the various competitions or lotteries they make available, or some are simply invited for being seen as 'interesting'.
41 There was a very brief distress call from a ship that popped out of jump space in the outer system. It didn't last long enough to get an identification, and now it's gone quiet.
42 In the last week, three ships have burned out their jump drives when trying to leave the system. They were outside the gravity well, so nobody is sure what has caused it. Some say it was a deliberate 'fix' made by a local servicing shop.
43 Flashes of light were seen in the outer system, about 70-100AU distant. They must have been bright to be seen over that distance, but nobody knows what caused them.
44 Unusual radio broadcasts have been picked up from the outer system. The broadcasts are encrypted, using an unknown cypher.
45 The system has picked up some large jump signatures in the outer solar system, suggesting that large vessels have dropped out of jump but have no gone quiet. No transponder signals have been picked up, and there's been no obvious signs of ships.
51 A local archaeologist is trying to sell some alien artefacts he claims to have dug up on a world in the system.
52 The pirate ship Taxation is Theft attacked and disabled the merchant cruiser Rebecca Daisy at Elysee, killing several crew. There is now a bounty for the capture of the captain, preferably alive.
traveller/goldenage/d66/rumours.1616154446.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/03/19 11:47 by sam