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Zuflucht 0921

Zuflucht would be an unimpressive world if it wasn't the spinward gateway to the Islands. It is technically independent, but has a strong Imperium presence. Most of the population lives around the coast of the Mer Violette, in large walled communes each with their own security services. Outside of the communes, there are no laws nor regulations except those enforced by force of arms.

Eu Gaian world (wiki) (map)
Diameter: 8,000km (density 5.6)
Gravity: 100%
Day Length: 37h 43m
Orbit: 160MKm (II)
Atmosphere: Thin, Tainted (65%)
Hydrographics: 40%

A small world with a population of about 60 million, it is dry with a thin atmosphere, but has enough of an ecology to be liveable.

Zuflucht World Map

Port/TL: C/8
Population: 60 million
Government: Participating Democracy
Law Level: 0 (No restrictions)
Language: Islands French, Anglic


Orbit Distance Type Description
I 98Mkm Phosphorian 13,200km diameter.
II 160Mkm EuGaian Zuflucht, main world.
III 320Mkm EuArean 7,200km diameter.
IV 4AU AmuGaian 9,700km diameter, ammonia-water mix oceans, ice world, thick atmosphere.
A 7-11AU Asteroid Belt Mostly rocky asteroid field, about 3 Earth masses of rock.
V 16AU Cerean 1,500km diameter, rocky ice world.


For a world that is so crucial to the link between the spinward and trailing halves of the Imperium, it is otherwise a relatively unimportant world, with an unimpressive population, low technology level and limited starport facilities.

The bulk of the population is centred around the ==== Bordeaux ==== Bordeaux is the site of the main downport. Though it is classed as a C, it is somewhat larger than most C class ports, it just lacks the facilities required to obtain a B rating. There is no border around the starport - people come and go as they please, as long as a docking berth is paid for. The starport itself has a population of about a quarter of a million, though there are another seven walled communes nearby which add another three million to the total. ==== Bounty Hunters ==== There are numerous groups of bounty hunters who provide services to hunt down those who have wronged individuals. Since there is no planet-wide police force, there are no crimes. The only response to murder, theft or other actions is to either take revenge into your own hands, or pay those who can do it for you.

traveller/goldenage/systems/reft/zuflucht.1616239677.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/03/20 11:27 by sam