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Imisaa 2916

A mostly airless, hot, desert world with a single sprawling city that goes down as well as out. Trade is the lifeblood of this world, and it wouldn't exist without it, but there are two sides to trade, and the darker side can be found in the lower levels of the city.

The world is ruled by Governor Lynn Irkirin Mangilumar, who runs the starport and therefore the world. She answers to Tobia, and much of the wealth from Imisaa's position on the trade route is sent there.

The central starport is a hive of activity, and though it only rates a 'B' classification, it is much larger than many 'A' class ports - it just lacks some of the ship repair and construction facilities that an 'A' classification requires. The further you go from the central trade hub though, the worse the conditions get. The world's wealth is entirely focused on producing more wealth, and the outer and lower parts of the city don't contribute much to that.

In the deeper depths of the city, where the air conditioning and cooling systems barely function, crime is rife and the official law rarely enforced.


F8 V Dwarf (Primary)

Jump Mask: 1.1 AU.

Distance Type Description
I 0.2 AU Janian
II 0.5 AU Ferrinian
III 1.2 AU EuArean Imisaa, main world.
Belt/A 1.5 AU Asteroid Belt Naval Base.
IV 4.2 AU Jovian Naval presence, closed to civilians.
V 9 AU Jovian Protected, alien species in gas clouds. No refuelling.
VI 23 AU Ice Giant Free for refuelling, risky.
VII 30 AU Stygian
VIII 45 AU Stygian
IX 70 AU Stygian

M5 V Dwarf (1,500 AU)

No planets.


Imisaa is often the last J-2 stop before travelling to Fist 2918, and so it takes a good cut of the trade that goes through here out across the border.

There used to be a trade in fine gemstones, but that has mostly dried up. There are settlements out in the wilderness, but they are ghost towns - either completely deserted or home to a handful of people.

There is an Imperial navy base in the asteroid belt of the system, with repair yards and refuelling stations. This has rubbed off on the local starport, which has expanded to provide much needed civilian facilities to serve the navy and its personnel. There are plenty of opportunities to spend money at the starport, as well as plenty of civilian contractors willing to provide engineering and mechanical aid to anyone who needs it.

traveller/goldenage/systems/trojan/imisaa.1605981157.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/21 17:52 by sam