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yags:index [2012/12/12 22:03] samyags:index [2019/08/11 15:42] (current) sam
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 ====== Yet Another Game System ====== ====== Yet Another Game System ======
-[[|{{ ./graphics/yags-gpl.png?nolink}}]]+[[|{{ :yags:yags-logo.png?nolink&300}}]]
-//**YAGS** is another game system//, with a moderately crunchy set of rules designed to give a gritty cinematic style of play suitable for modern day, fantasy or science fiction genres. **YAGS** has been around for over fifteen years, and is available for free under the GNU General Public License. This means that you are free to download, modify and republish the rules however you want, as long as all versions are released under the GPL.+//**YAGS** is another game system//, with a moderately crunchy set of rules designed to give a gritty cinematic style of play suitable for modern day, fantasy or science fiction genres. **YAGS** has been around for over twenty years, and is available for free under the GNU General Public License. This means that you are free to download, modify and republish the rules however you want, as long as all versions are released under the GPL. The source for YAGS can be downloaded from [[|GitLab]].
 **YAGS** is not designed to be a lightweight set of rules, but has been streamlined to try and keep it no more complex than it needs to be without sacrificing rules flavour. So though it's a lot more complicated than something like //Fudge//, it's not as complicated as //GURPS//. **YAGS** is not designed to be a lightweight set of rules, but has been streamlined to try and keep it no more complex than it needs to be without sacrificing rules flavour. So though it's a lot more complicated than something like //Fudge//, it's not as complicated as //GURPS//.
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 **YAGS** has been used to run a number of different games in a variety of settings and genres: **YAGS** has been used to run a number of different games in a variety of settings and genres:
-  * A low fantasy setting which was originally designed over 15 years ago specifically for YAGS.+  * A low fantasy setting which was originally designed over 20 years ago specifically for YAGS.
   * A science fiction game set in the universe of //Babylon 5//.   * A science fiction game set in the universe of //Babylon 5//.
   * Modern horror adventures.   * Modern horror adventures.
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 ===== Current Status ===== ===== Current Status =====
-The most current version of YAGS is version 0.7. It is +The most current version of YAGS is version 0.7. It was last used to run an SF campaign set in GDW'
-currently being used to run an SF campaign set in GDW'+[[/traveller/|Traveller]]. Rules for modern combat, vehicles and spacecraft are the areas which are the focus for this setting.
-[[/traveller/|Traveller]. +
-Rules for modern combat, vehicles and spacecraft are the +
-areas which are the focus for this setting. +
yags/index.1355349782.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/12/12 22:03 by sam