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FSE 2nd Generation

The core FSE fleet relies on a mixture of speed, fighters and salvo missiles.


FSE fighters are noted for their great speed and manoeuvrability. All fighters are fast, and in addition may have one extra characteristic.

Escort Ships

Cygne Scout

Cygne Scout Cygne Scout

Class: Scout (SC)
Mass: 8
Points: 26
A small FSE scoutship designed to operate my itself deep behind enemy lines. It carries a submunition pack which enables it to hit with a somewhat heavier punch, but it is one shot.

Daphne Corvette

Daphne Corvette Daphne Corvette

Class: Corvette (CT)
Mass: 14
Points: 45
The Daphne class of corvette is designed as a light escort ship, capable of protecting a small convoy. However, it is lightly armoured and has only seen limited use.

Lemnos Frigate

Lemnos Frigate Lemnos Frigate

Class: Frigate (FF)
Mass: 20
Points: 67
The Lemnos class of frigate is the FSE's smallest warship designed specifically to take on other warships.

Thetis Destroyer

Thetis Destroyer Thetis Destroyer

Class: Destroyer (DD)
Mass: 34
Points: 113
The Thetis is a destroyer class warship designed to take an aggressive role. It carries a Salvo Missile Rack and two front facing class two beam weapons, giving it reasonable range and effectiveness.

Cruiser Ships

Ardennes Light Cruiser

Ardennes Light Cruiser Ardennes Light Cruiser

Class: Light Cruiser (CL)
Mass: 56
Points: 179
The Ardennes class light cruiser is a fast cruiser with a limited array of weaponry. It is one of the fastest ships of its class though in any navy.

Colbert Escort Cruiser

Colbert Escort Cruiser Colbert Escort Cruiser

Class: Escort Cruiser (CE)
Mass: 68
Points: 216
The Colbert class of Escort Cruiser is designed to be able to soak up a large amount of punishment whilst protecting the ships in its care through use of area defence systems. It is the smallest of the FSE vessels to carry shields. It's weakness is that it has only a single standard fire control system, so cannot engage multiple warships at a time.

Tourville Heavy Cruiser

Tourville Heavy Cruiser Tourville Heavy Cruiser

Class: Heavy Cruiser (CH)
Mass: 84
Points: 277
The Tourville class of heavy cruisers carry a large array of weapons for neutralising targets as quickly as possible. With both class 3 beam weapons, and a salvo missile system, it can out range most ships of equivalent or smaller size. It has been known to carry two ER salvo missiles rather than the usual three standard missiles. This change does not affect ship cost.

Capital Ships

Duquesne Battlecruiser

Duquesne Battlecruiser Duquesne Battlecruiser

Class: Battlecruiser (BC)
Mass: 98
Points: 324
The Duquesne Battlecruiser is the smallest of the FSE's capital class ships, and is still capable of high thrust. Equipped entirely with beam weapons, it is designed to be able to deliver repeated attacks onto the enemy where it is most needed, without having to worry about ammunition.

Da Silva Battleship

Da Silva Battleship Da Silva Battleship

Class: Battleship (BB)
Mass: 120
Points: 407
Loaded with six salvo missiles, the Da Silva Battleship is capable of laying down an impressive amount of firepower, though it is limited to launching only two at a time. However, its three class 3 beam weapons make for an effective 'secondary' source of fire power. Designed to combat enemy vessels at medium to long ranges, it relies on fighter and escort cover for close defence.

Littorio Battledreadnaught

Littorio Battledreadnaught Littorio Battledreadnaught

Class: Battledreadnaught (BDN)
Mass: 170
Points: 550
The Littorio Battledreadnaught is a multi-role vessel, capable of fielding fighters, laying down salvo missiles and also with a good balance of beam weapons.

Charlemagne Superdreadnaught

Charlemagne Superdreadnaught Charlemagne Superdreadnaught

Class: Superdreadnaught (SDN)
Mass: 260
Points: 792
Equipped with four salvo missile launchers, as well as numerous beam weapons, the Charlemagne Superdreadnaught is designed to be able to deliver catastrophic damage to a single target, overwhelming any defences that it may have. It is one of the few FSE vessels equipped with shields, and also carries a fighter group, mostly for defensive or scouting roles. It is rarely seen without at least one dedicated carrier and a Colbert Escort Cruiser assigned to it however.

Richelieu Heavy Carrier

ft/fse/v2/index.1387893282.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/12/24 13:54 by sam