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NSL 2nd Generation

The Outer Fleet

The second generation NSL fleet currently sees active deployment in the outer territories, defending colony worlds from pirate actions. Beyond the edge of what the League considers its borders is a wide expanse of unclaimed colony worlds. Occasionally small fleets may patrol these worlds in order to try and remove the piracy problem at source.

Encounters with the ESU during such forays aren't unheard of though, and some skirmishes with the Kra'Vak have also been recorded.


These ship designs are based on the ship hulls from Fleet Book 1 and the original NSL models. The designs have been restricted to older technologies, so no beam weapons about class 2, and a lack of salvo missiles etc.

Colour Schemes

The fleet is painted using Games Workshop colour schemes, with Shadow Grey as the base hull colour with Fortress Grey used for highlighting. There is also some Ultramarine Blue.

Ship Designs

The Neu Swabian League relies on armour and strong hulls for protection, mixed with a good selection of beam and pulse weapons. Fighters are the main means of anti-fighter defence.

All the following designs have been based on the design rules in Fleet Book 1, with the assumption of vectored movement.

Falke ScoutClass: Scout
Mass: 8
Points: 29
Scout vessel, and the smallest jump capable ship in the NSL navy. They are not viewed as being massively useful in the line of battle, but are used as messengers and scouts.

Stroschen Corvette

Class: Corvette

Mass: 14 Points: 48 Heavily armed corvette designed for anti-pirate action. It packs a heavy punch, but is light on defensive capability. Ehrenhold Frigate

Class: Frigate

Mass: 20 Points: 66 Designed for light escort duty and heavy assault, the Ehrenhold has good anti-fighter capability, as well as a heavy beam weapon capable of out ranging most raider ships. Waldburg/M Destroyer

Class: Destroyer

Mass: 30 Points: 104 A torpedo carrying variant of the Waldburg Destroyer, this ship is capable of punching above it's weight in terms of destructive capability. Waldburg Destroyer

Class: Destroyer

Mass: 30 Points: 99 Equipped with a wide range of beam batteries, the Waldburg's role is to provide a large amount of beam fire from close to medium range. Kronprinz Wilhelm Light Cruiser

Class: Light Cruiser

Mass: 48 Points: 159 Light cruiser heavily armed with medium beam weapons and carrying only minimal defensive armaments. It is rarely fielded alone, requiring at least fighter support in all but specialist scenarios. Radetzky Escort Cruiser

Class: Escort Cruiser

Mass: 58 Points: 194 This ship is fielded along side other NSL ships, providing them with the much needed anti-fighter protection they lack themselves. It is designed to be durable, and to be able to take out whole fighter flights by itself. Markgraf Heavy Cruiser

Class: Heavy Cruiser

Mass: 82 Points: 208 NSL heavy cruisers have always been designed to be very offensive in nature, and the Markgraf is no exception. It is neither fast nor clever, but is a hammer designed to be fielded in large numbers. Maximilian Battlecruiser

Class: Battlecruiser

Mass: 100 Points: 324 Heavily armed with limited defensive capability, the Maximilian is designed to provide rapid heavy support where it is needed in the battle. Richthofen Battlecruiser

Class: Battlecruiser

Mass: 104 Points: 349 Another slow Battlecruiser from the NSL, sporting six wide angle torpedo tubes designed to take on ships well above its class. Maria von Burgund Battleship

Class: Battleship

Mass: 120 Points: 390 The Maria von Burgund is designed to inflict the maximum possible damage on the enemy. It relies on escort cruisers for anti-fighter defense, and is capable of putting 6 pulse torpedoes on target in a single salvo. Svent Istvan Battledreadnaught

Class: Battledreadnaught

Mass: 150 Points: 523 The battledreadnaught brings a large amount of beam weaponry to the battle, as well as fighters to provide covering protection. Von Tegetthoff Superdreadnaught

Class: Superdreadnaught

Mass: 200 Points: 665 The SDN is an offensive weapon, carrying both fighters and a wide array of beam and pulse weaponry in order to pack a frightening punch. Der Theuerdank Fighter Carrier

Class: Fighter Carrier

Mass: 220 Points: 687 The largest ship in the NSL fleet, the Der Theuerdank carries 4 flights of fighters into combat. It is heavily defended with point defence systems, but carries limited offensive weapons.

ft/nsl/v2/index.1355850084.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/12/18 17:01 by sam